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5 Ways To Use Ylang Ylang Essential Oil And Why I Love It Video!

5 Ways To Use Ylang Ylang Essential Oil www.EssentialOils4Sale.com

I love Ylang Ylang essential oil from Young Living! It's been one of my favorites from Day 1. I ordered it as an add on to our Premium Starter Kit years back and it has been a daily staple in my life.

This video goes over 5 ways to use Ylang Ylang essential oil so you can discover what a beautiful oil it is. There are MANY more ways to use Ylang Ylang but this will get your started. 

Looking for the recipes I talk about in the video? Here you go...

1. Bring The Sun Inside Diffuser Blend!

2. Want To Replenish Your Skin's Moisture?

Mix 8 drops of Ylang Ylang with 1 cup of unscented lotion. Then add 3 drops Jade Lemon and 3 drops Orange in a small bowl. Mix together and slather on your dry skin. You can store the remainder in an airtight glass container.

3. Time To Snuggle Up!

Toss your blanket in the dryer with a Ylang Ylang infused dryer sheet or wool dryer ball. Just add a few drops, tumble and enjoy!

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4. Musty Air? 

Freshen up the musty air by diffusing 8-10 drops of Ylang Ylang with 6 drops Clary Sage, 4 drops Peppermint, and 1 drop Lemon for about 30 minutes.

5. Does Your Air Need A Spa Day? Do It At Home!

  • First create a double boiler by either resting the rim of a small pot or glass cup inside the edge of a larger pot filled 1/2 way with boiling water.
  • Add 2 tablespoons coconut oil to the smaller insider bowl or pot and warm until liquefied. 
  • Add 7 drops of Ylang Ylang to the coconut oil. Mix together and remove from heat.
  • Let cool until slightly thickened.
  • Cover your shoulders with a towel to catch any drips and dampen your hair by spraying water on it.
  • Apply to the mixture to your hair with your hands and comb through to disperse throughout your hair.
  • Let sit for 30-60 minutes before rinsing.
  • Wash and style your hair as usual.

5 Ways To Use Ylang Ylang and Why I Love it! www.EssentialOils4Sale.com

Ylang Ylang essential oil is extracted by steam distilling the waxy, golden flowers found on the tropical ylang ylang tree. With its rich, floral scent, Ylang Ylang essential oil is a popular element in luxurious and indulgent perfumes and skin care products.

Ylang Ylang’s benefits include its nourishing properties, as well as its rich, romantic scent, which is why you might find this oil in high-end hair care products and spa treatments. 

Because of its sweet, versatile scent, Ylang Ylang is an important element in many Young Living products, including Peace & Calming®, Awaken™, and Live Your Passion™.

Why I Love Ylang Ylang and 5 Ways To Use It www.EssentialOils4Sale.com

We're excited for you to try Ylang Ylang! Add it to your first order of a Premium Starter Kit (like we did) or select our Basic Starter Kit and add it to that. Either way, be sure to check out Essential Rewards. This month we received Ylang Ylang FREE with our order of 190PV! WooHoo! I always keep 3-4 of these precious bottles on hand so free is grrrrreat because that means I can spend my money on more products!

Shop  For Young Living Essential Oils

Enjoy your oily day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek, Young Living ID 1795137


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