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3 Essential Oil Life Hacks For The Oily Man!

Road blocks are a part of life. To stay at the top of your game, keep your essential oil tool box stocked with these manly solutions to life’s curveballs. 

Problem: Full Plate

You’re a machine when it comes to getting things done; but projects, family obligations, and to-do lists still manage to accumulate. To get caught up, you need to crush through the pressure and get back on track.

Solution 1: Escape into the woods.

Northern Lights Black Spruce

One of life’s greatest hacks is getting into nature and leaving all your troubles behind you. When you can’t do that, reach for your arsenal of woodsy essential oils to give you the sensation of getting lost without vanishing or shirking your responsibilities. Use Cedarwood, Pine, or Idaho Blue Spruce as a manly cologne or beard oil that envelops you in the calming, stalwart scents of nature.

Tools: Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oilCedarwood essential oilPine essential oilSacred Sandalwood essential oilIdaho Blue Spruce essential oil

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Solution 2: Sweat it out.

Black Pepper essential oil

Crushing it at the gym or on the court releases endorphins and builds confidence, helping you face the next challenge with ease. To get revved up for a workout, dilute a blend of energizing aromas like Eucalyptus Globulus, Citrus Fresh, and Black Pepper essential oils with V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex and apply to your chest, neck, and temples for an energizing scent to boost your mojo. After your workout, cool off with the tingly sensation of Cool Azul Sports Gel. Its minty, herbal scent lingers for an outdoorsy, masculine musk.

Tools: Eucalyptus essential oilCitrus Fresh™Black Pepper essential oilV-6 Vegetable Oil ComplexCool Azul™ Pain Relief Cream

Problem: Mess

A messy house or a messy you can really get in the way of your best day. Get cleaning or get cleaned up with these hacks using some of our signature blends and products.

Solution 1: Get spruced up with spruce.

Shutran Shave Cream

Whether after an outdoor adventure or a tough day at the office, scrubbing up keeps you on the path to success. Our Shutran™ Essential Oil Blend is one of our most macho, and it’s just what you need for an aroma to boost your spirits whenever you’re feeling a little disheveled, rumpled, or beat up. Featuring Idaho Blue Spruce, Lemon, Lavender, and Cedarwood for a super-charged air of masculinity, this woodsy blend can be found in our whole line of Shutran personal care products designed just for men, including the Shutran Shave Cream, Bar Soap, and 3-in-1 Wash. When you’re ready to branch out, try Mister, an earthy combination of Sage, Peppermint, and Yarrow.

Tools: Shutran™ essential oilShutran™ Shave CreamShutran™ Bar SoapMister™

Solution 2: Make a clean sweep.

Thieves Household Cleaner from Young Living

Even if the mess is all around you rather than on you, it can still kill your focus and your drive. Plus, it slows you down to be picking up as you go. Put in the effort to clean up around the house, the office, and in your car to keep all the gears running smoothly. Thieves Household Cleaner offers a spicy, homey scent with plenty of Cinnamon, Lemon, Clove, Rosemary, and Peppermint; and Thieves Wipes are compact and portable for cleaning up while on the road. Your home, office, and car will smell perfectly masculine and not at all like flowers when you use the Thieves cleaning line.

Tools: Thieves® Household CleanerThieves® WipesThieves® Laundry SoapThieves® Foaming Hand SoapThieves Dish SoapThieves Waterless Hand Sanitizer

Don't miss our Premium Starter Bundle with Thieves! All the great products in one helpful Starter Bundle. 

Problem: Hunger

Eating a nutritious, well-rounded meal is one of life’s biggest hurdles, whether in the wild or in a concrete jungle. Avoid another brown bag dinner and power up with these tasty food hacks instead.

Solution 1: Punch up flavors with Vitality

Lemon essential oil

If you’re looking for the drive to avoid the drive-thru window, then stock up on the tools you need to make flavorful food at home. Our Vitality oils can be easily and safely added to anything you love to cook. Experience a new world of flavor by using Lemon Vitality or Citrus Fresh™ Vitality on your grilled salmon or power up your pasta sauces and potatoes with Basil Vitality and Dill Vitality. You’ll impress your date, yourself, and even your relatives with all this fearless flavor!

Tools: Vitality Oil Starters: Lemon VitalityLime VitalityBasil VitalityBlack Pepper VitalityOrange VitalityPeppermint VitalityCitrus Fresh Vitality

Solution 2: Get on top of dietary needs


Sometimes your body is hungry for nutrients, leaving you unsatisfied with just your basic meals and snacks. Get some help from supplements, like our PowerGize, which helps boost stamina and performance,* or AgilEase, a powerful joint health supplement.*

Tools: PowerGize™AgilEase™AminoWise™Pure Protein™ Complete

Now that you know how many problems you can solve with a tool box full of essential oils, put your favorite solution to work and see how far these little powerhouses can take you.

Shop  For Young Living Essential Oils

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.

Enjoy your oily day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek, Young Living ID 1795137


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