DIY Make It Yourself Throat Soother Recipe
I Usually Love Watching The Big Game's Commercials But There Was One That Tripped My Trigger

Endocrine System And Reproductive Support!

Endocrine Support System

EndoFlex VITALITY: "this blend amplifies metabolism and vitality and create hormonal balance".

It contains: spearmint which is great for supporting the nervous and glandular system. Can be helpful for increasing metabolism.

Sage: can help with energy to vita organs and for emotional support against negative emotions.

Geranium: can help to balance hormones.

Myrtle: can help normalize hormonal balance of the thyroid and ovaries.

German chamomile: great for the liver and

.....And nutmeg which supports the adrenal glands, increase energy and is very stimulating for those who need more in their life.

This oil is great to be applied to the lower back, kidney, liver, feet, glandular and foot vita flex. It is one that comes in the vitality line to so you can take it in a capsule or in your Ningixia red. BUT, when we speak about supporting specific body systems we are always referring to the vitality oil which can be taken internally.

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EndoFlex Vitality Essential Oil Uses:

  • Take daily with a gel capsule. Combine 1 drop EndoFlex Vitality with 1 drop of V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex.
  • Add a drop or two to 2–4 oz. of NingXia Red® for a quick shot of this blend.
  • Create a drink that uplifts and invigorates by adding EndoFlex to our sparkling NingXia Zyng™. Use this essential oil-infused beverage to jump-start the day or make it through the afternoon slump.
  • Combine a drop of oil with a large cup of warm tea or tall glass of water. If you find a drop overwhelms the flavor, dip a toothpick in the oil and swirl it in your drink.

EndoFlex or EndoFlex Vitality is not included in our Starter Kits so be sure to add that to your shopping cart before checking out.

Shop  For Young Living Essential Oils

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Enjoy your oily day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek, Young Living ID 1795137


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