Save Money By Making This 2 Minute Foaming Hand Soap - Easy DIY
I don't know about you, but our house goes through A LOT of hand soap. We are constantly washing our hands and who wants those chemical soaps on your skin? This easy recipes not only saves you money by making your own foaming hand soap but it's also toxin free! Super easy and only takes a few minutes. This comes out to pennies per pump depending on how much Dr Bronners Castile Soap you use. If you want to save more money, use less. The more you use, the thicker your "pump" of hand soap will be. Also be sure that you buy the foaming hand soap pumps. We've made this the past few years and also change up the oils used.
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We only use and recommend Young Living oils in our recipes. Pure, therapeutic grade oils for you and your family!
DIY Thieves Foaming Soap Recipe
1/3 cup Castile Soap
10-15 drops of Thieves essential oil
1 clear plastic bottle with a white foamer pump
Add castile soap to your foaming pump dispenser. Then add 10-15 drops of Thieves essential oil. Fill slowly with water and you're done. You can also choose to add 1-2 drops of Vitamin E to the mix.
*** Update***I have been making this recipe for over 5 years since this original post. I now use Dr. Bronners baby unscented liquid castile soap exclusively. This way I have the unscented soap on hand for other DIY projects.
Enjoy your oily day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek, Young Living ID 1795137
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