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5 Reasons Why You Want To Start Using Young Living Essential Oils

How Many Of These 21 Signs You’re Obsessed With Essential Oils Do You Relate To?

Here are 21 signs that you are obsessed with essential oils.
1. You’re pretty sure the answer to every problem is Thieves.
2. Your whole family and circle of friends now use oils (except for that one uncle).
3. You use essential oils on your kids . . . and your neighbors’ kids.
4. You use essential oils on your pets . . . and your neighbors’ pets.
5. Preparing your bath feels a bit like Macbeth: “Double, double, no more toil or trouble, I’m using Harmony™!
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6. You can’t wind down at night without diffusing your Lavender. Non-negotiable.
7. You diffuse Peace & Calming in your minivan to fight the chaos of carpool.
8. You believe that people who “don’t believe” in essential oils just haven’t tried Young Living's essential oils yet.
9. Everything in your house smells like Citrus Fresh.
10. For every situation, you start saying, “There’s an oil for that!”
11. You can’t get out of bed until you diffuse your Lemon each morning.
12. You try and stay below the household budget so you can buy more oils.
13. You’ve used oils to make your own shampoo, deodorant, and toothpaste.
14. When people ask what perfume you’re wearing, you proudly tell them about each of the oils and their benefits.
15. Forget spirit animals—you’re an oil through and through, and it’s Thieves.
16. You can’t use “ordinary” cosmetics because your skin looks better using an oils beauty regimen.
17. You keep emergency oils in your purse, your backpack, your desk, and your car.
18. You have at least seven bottles of your favorite oil, just in case.
19. Your Pinterest board for essential oils is overflowing with pins (but still compliant).
20. When your neighbor is grumpy about your invitations to use essential oils, you suggest an essential oil for his grouchy mood.
21. You have a special cupboard just for your oils, categorized by essential oils for emotions, essential oils for physical health, and essential oils for motivation. They might just be color coded, too.
Wait, what?!? You're not obsessed yet? Ok, head on over to and join our obsessed team of oilers! Really, now, do it! 
Shop  For Young Living Essential Oils
#TheStruggleIsReal #ObsessedWithEssentialOils #GottaHaveMyOils #OilyAndLovinIt

Enjoy your oily day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek, Young Living ID 1795137


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