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4 Ways To Use Young Living's Blue Cypress Essential Oil

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Celebrate warmer weather and sunnier days with an oil that embodies the great outdoors. Young Living’s Blue Cypress hails from Australia’s adventurous Northern Territory, where cypress pine trees are harvested and distilled using a patented process. Its woodsy, fresh aroma and unique blue hue make it the perfect way to embrace spring, whether you add it to your moisturizer at home or wear it on the go.

Blue Cypress

This oil’s versatility makes it an easy companion to your daily schedule. Experiment on your own or try one of our favorite ideas!

  • Use with a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil or V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex for a relaxing post-workout massage.
  • Implement into your shaving routine by adding a few drops to your shaving cream or by creating a custom beard oil.
  • Combine with complementing oils such as Lavender, Frankincense, or Sacred Sandalwood to create a moisturizing custom scent.
  • Apply topically to enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and camping to the fullest.

Shop  For Young Living Essential Oils

Enjoy your oily day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek, Young Living ID 1795137


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