9 Of The Best Essential Oil Combinations To Diffuse During The Holidays
Are You Still Waiting To Try Essential Oils?

Young Living's Slique CitraSlim Shows Decreased Inches And Increased Energy

Save 24% Off Your Young Living Order www.OilyAndLovingIt.com

Between staying active, managing a balanced diet, and running your day-to-day, it’s no surprise that you might not have time to add elaborate meal planning or two-a-day workouts to your to-do list. That’s where Slique CitraSlim comes in!

This naturally derived supplement is designed to help you burn fat and lose inches when you incorporate it into your healthy lifestyle.* CitraSlim’s formula takes advantage of powerful antioxidants and micronutrients to support lipolysis, the breakdown of fat into fatty acids. This helps you accelerate fat loss and fast-track your wellness goals.*

We felt so excited about the new product that we took it straight to our members. In September 2015, 120 Young Living members participated in a voluntary study** to assess feedback for the weight-management supplement. Check out the infographic below to see how participants felt after eight weeks of taking the supplement, upping their water intake, and making no other changes to their routines.

How Does Young Living's CitraSlim Measure Up www.EssentialOils4Sale

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.

**Performed by Janelle Pack, Young Living CFS Senior Food Scientist, and Varun Koneru, Young Living Senior Manager Food Scientist.

Shop  For Young Living Essential Oils

Enjoy your oily day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek, Young Living ID 1795137


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