A Pregnant Woman’s Guide To Essential Oils By Trimester
The decision to use essential oils during pregnancy can be a difficult one. There are a wide variety of opinions on the matter, often with conflicting and confusing claims.
For example, some women choose to avoid excessive use of these specific oils:
- Clary Sage or Sage
- Idaho Tansy or Hyssop
- Fennel
- Wintergreen
- Blends and supplements that contain these oils
However, essential oil usage is a personal choice, and there are no hard-and-fast rules. Just be sure to follow label directions and consult a medical professional with essential oil experience to be as safe as possible. When used correctly, essential oils can help form a beautiful bond between motherhood and Mother Nature.
Save 24% off retail prices on all of your Young Living purchases FOR LIFE when you become a wholesale member. Head over to www.EssentialOils4Sale.com and select your Starter Kit. You only purchase a Starter Kit 1 time to receive the life time discount! Our Premium Starter Kits are an awesome value and come with 11 bottles of essential oils, samples, accessories and the must have essential oil diffuser!
Enjoy your oily day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek, Young Living ID 1795137
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