Just How Concentrated Are Young Living Oils?
Thieves Dish Soap Works Fantastic On Cleaning Our Essential Oil Diffusers!

Tip For Using Essential Oils In Place Of Spices When Cooking

I love cooking with essential oils. I use them whenever I can in place of spices and other flavorings. You'll find out that Young Living essential oils can be strong so GO SLOW and you can always add more later. Believe me, I found out the hard way the first time I piled Oregano essential oil into my spaghetti sauce. 

Start with less. If it's a stronger oil you can swirl a toothpick in. If it's an essential oil that is milder, you can add 1 drop at a time. I will then try the food to see if I need more.

To avoid using too many drops of essential oils (the thinner oils can come out pretty quickly), it's also best to drop the oil on a spoon and then add it to the recipe.

When a recipe calls for citrus fruits, like lemon, lime or orange, substitute the zest or juice of one fruit for 10-15 drops of its companion essential oil. I will say that I use orange and tangerine...a lot! Not only do I love the smell of the citrus essential oils but they give my water and NingXia Red such a refreshing taste. 

When you have a recipe that calls for less than a teaspoon of a spice or herb, take a toothpick and dip it into the center of the dropper cap and then swirl the toothpick in your recipe. You can also do this with your favorite beverage. However I will say that, I add 1-3 drops to my beverages and it's never been too strong, but it is a personal preference.

Please note, we only use Young Living essential oils in our recipes. They are pure, therapeutic grade oils. To learn more about them, please visit www.EssentialOils4Sale.com 


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Enjoy your oily day!
Lisa and Rich Jelinek, Young Living ID 1795137


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